IPv6 Annonces

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Annonces IPv6

Extraits de communiqués

  • 2008 300 décisions pour changer la France, Rapport Jacques Attali (http://www.liberationdelacroissance.fr/files/rapports/rapportCLCF.pdf)
    • DÉCISION 62 "Utiliser la présidence française de l’Union européenne pour proposer un grand programme de développement du numérique."
      • Démultiplier les possibilités d’adressage (passage de la norme actuelle IPv4 vers IPv6) qui risquent d’être saturées d’ici une dizaine d’années pour favoriser le développement de l’Internet des objets. À l’instar des positions prises par les gouvernements américain, chinois, japonais et coréen, l’Europe ou du moins la France doit d’ici 2010 définir un calendrier de migration.
  • 2007-11: RIPE NCC Makes Record Number of IPv6 Allocations
    • The months of October and November 2007 set new records for the number of IPv6 allocations made in a single month by the RIPE NCC. 24 allocations were made to RIPE NCC members in October, arecord immediately broken by the 31 allocations made in November. The previous peak was 19 allocations in a single month, which was achieved on three separate occasions in 2003, 2004 and 2007.
    • This surge in demand for IPv6 address space follows recent changes in the IPv6 allocation policy, which made it easier to get IPv6 allocations. The increase also comes in the wake of the publication of the RIPE Community Resolution on IPv4 Depletion and Deployment of IPv6. This statement, released immediately after the RIPE 55 meeting in Amsterdam in October, urged all Internet industry stakeholders, including ISPs, governments and regulators, to take steps to foster the accelerating deployment of IPv6. The text of this resolution can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/news/community-statement.html
    • The deployment of IPv6 across the Internet has been a subject of growing global interest, particularly as it relates to the diminishing pool of free IPv4 address space, and the impact that this will have on the ongoing growth and future stability of the Internet.
    • For more information on this, please send an email to <ncc@ripe.net>.
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